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Airedoodle (Airedale Terrier Poodle Mix): Care, Pictures, Info, & More

An Airedoodle is a mix between an Airedale Terrier and a Poodle (though the exact type does vary). When you mix these two breeds together, you never quite know what you’re going to get. However, the Airedale Terrier is a larger terrier that is exceptionally outgoing, while the Poodle is known for being very intelligent.

When you mix these two dogs together, you typically get something in the middle. That said, it’s important to realize that mixed breeds can vary widely—even within the same litter.

Breed Overview


Black, brown, cream, white

Suitable for:

Families with plenty of time to exercise and mentally stimulate them


Friendly, intelligent, affectionate, independent

While it’s hard to know exactly what you’re getting with these dogs, they’re often great family dogs for those with plenty of time on their hands. In most cases, they are good with children and strangers alike. However, they can be a lot of work, as they require plenty of exercise, grooming, and entertainment.



High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.



Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.



Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.



Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.



Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.


Airedoodle Puppies

Airedoodles are riding the wave of popularity most mixed breeds are experiencing right now. However, they aren’t nearly as popular as many other breeds out there. It takes some effort to find a reputable breeder, especially since you can’t rely on the AKC or breed organizations.

Choosing a responsible breeder is still important to the health of your dog. These breeders will provide health screenings and genetic testing to ensure that the puppies don’t end up with health conditions that can be avoided. These dogs are rare at local animal shelters and rescue organizations. However, you can occasionally find them, so it is always worth checking.

Once you have a puppy, you’ll probably find that they are similar to any other puppy. They tend to be very playful and curious, with boundless energy and enthusiasm. They’re quick learners thanks to their high intelligence, so you should start taking advantage of this at an early age. Early socialization is also important, as it helps them grow into confident, well-behaved adults.

Parent breeds of the Airedoodle (Airedale Terrier Poodle Mix)
Image Credit: Left – otsphoto, Shutterstock | Right – everydoghasastory, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Airedoodle

Airedoodles are often affectionate and love to be around their humans. They are people-oriented dogs, which means that they’re all about attention for humans. While they do bond closely with their family members, they also enjoy attention from strangers. Don’t be surprised if these dogs follow you around the house or beg for your attention throughout the day.

These dogs can be great in families thanks to these traits. However, they may also be prone to separation anxiety. Therefore, it’s important to crate-train them and get them used to being alone throughout the day.

Poodles are exceptionally intelligent, so it’s likely that their puppies will inherit at least some of their brains. They’re likely to be quick learners and enjoy mental challenges. This makes them a joy to train, but it also means that they can get bored very quickly. You’ll have to provide plenty of challenging games and toys to keep them entertained.

Airedoodles tend to be very energetic, requiring plenty of exercise. They’re usually behaved indoors, but they may be a bit too hyperactive if not properly exercised. This can cause them to knock things over (including small children). This breed can be a perfect outdoor companion. They’re very adventurous and don’t tend to be scared of much. Their high exercise needs also allows them to keep up on backpacking trips and longer hikes.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

Airedoodles are good for many families. They’re affectionate and bond closely with everyone. Unlike some other breeds, they are not one-person dogs. They tend to get along with children well, too. However, there are some things you need to keep in mind.

They tend to be active and require regular exercise. Therefore, they do best in active families. They will play with children outside for hours. In families that tend to be more sedentary, though, they may not fit in as well.

It’s also important to socialize them well with children and others starting at a young age. While they tend to be friendly, you should not rely on this tendency alone. Socialization helps ensure they aren’t afraid of children or strangers once they become adults.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?🐶 😽

Airedoodles can get along with other animals, including cats and dogs. However, just like any other animal, they do require socialization. If they are exposed to these animals at a young age in a positive, controlled environment, they tend to get along fine once they get older.

Dogs also have different temperament traits. They are individuals, after all. Therefore, it’s important to understand that your specific dog may not get along with other dogs very well, for instance.

Airedoodles can also come in several different sizes, with the main factor being the size of the Poodle parent. It’s important to consider the size of your dog when considering whether or not they will get along with your other pets. Matching the energy level can also be helpful. If you have a more laid back dog, it can be challenging for them to get along with a hyperactive Airedoodle.

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Things to Know When Owning an Airedoodle

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

These dogs do not have any special dietary needs. In most cases, a high-quality commercial dog food works just fine. You should choose an option that is designed for your dog’s size and life stage. Puppies that are larger need a large-breed puppy formula, for instance. Nutrition when your dog is younger is vital for them to grow into a healthy canine.

Protein is essential for muscle development and overall health. A diet with around 18–25% protein content is typically suitable for adult Airedoodles, while puppies may require a slightly higher protein content. Dogs that are exceptionally active may need high-protein food.

Be sure to measure your dog’s food portions to prevent overfeeding. While the feeding guidelines on the food container can be helpful, they shouldn’t be the only thing you consider. You may also need to adjust their food according to their weight loss or gain. Feed on a regular schedule so that your dog knows what to expect. This step can be exceptionally helpful when potty training, as well.

When in doubt, consult your vet about what would work best for your canine.

Exercise 🐕

Airedoodles are pretty energetic. Therefore, you should plan on exercising your dog for at least an hour a day. This should be broken into several sessions. For instance, you could do a morning nap and then a 30-minute play session in the afternoon. Varying the activity can help keep your dog mentally stimulated, which is also important.

These dogs thrive on human interaction, so they will often like to do anything that involves their people. Play absolutely counts as exercise, so consider tug-of-war or interactive toys on top of the usual walks and jogs. Try to incorporate training sessions into exercise routines. Airedales like a mental challenge, and training while exercising helps you check two things off at once. Even giving different commands while walking can be a challenge for your Airedale.

Don’t overexercise your dog, especially when they are a puppy. While most need at least an hour of exercise, this can vary.

Training 🎾

This dog breed is pretty intelligent, so they often take well to training. They benefit from regular training sessions, even after they’ve learned all the basics. Begin training your Airedoodle as a puppy. Early socialization and basic obedience training are essential for their development. Positive experiences during this critical period can shape their behavior and temperament.

Positive reinforcement techniques are best for all dogs, including Airedales. Praise, treats, and toys can all reward good behavior. Because these dogs are so responsive to people, praise often goes a long way.

Be consistent in your commands and have everyone in your household do the same. Mixing things up can be very confusing for your dog.

Start with very basic commands, like sit, stay, down, and come. “Leave it” is also very important, as it can prevent your dog from eating things they shouldn’t be eating. Airedoodles can be strong pullers, so leash training is crucial. Teach loose leash walking to ensure pleasant walks for both you and your dog. You’re going to be walking these dogs a lot, so it’s important to train them well in this regard.

Grooming ✂️

Grooming Airedales can be a mixed bag. Because they are a mixed breed, you never exactly know what you’re going to get. These dogs may have a curly or wavy coat (like a Poodle), or it may be more like an Airedale’s straight coat. This will make their grooming needs differ considerably.

If your dog has a Poodle-like coat, you’ll likely need to brush them every day at least. If they have a straighter coat, brushing 2–3 times a week is plenty. Bathing should only occur infrequently, as too much bathing can strip the oils from their fur and cause all sorts of issues. In many cases, you’ll need to make regular professional groomer appointments to get your canine trimmed. Otherwise, they will have far too much fur to take care of and will quickly become tangled.

Again, how often you need to trim your dog will vary. However, you can expect them to need trimming every 6–8 weeks. Like all dogs, you’ll also need to take care of their eats, nails, and teeth. Check and clean your Airedoodle’s ears regularly to prevent wax buildup and potential infections. Keeping the fur inside their ears trimmed can prevent infections, too.

Keep their nails trimmed to a reasonable length. Long nails can be uncomfortable and may affect their gait. You can do this yourself or have your groomer do it when you get your dog trimmed. Brush your Airedoodle’s teeth regularly to prevent dental issues. Dental chews and toys designed to promote oral health can also be beneficial (but they do not replace tooth brushing).

Health and Conditions 🏥

Airedoodles, like all dogs, can be prone to certain health conditions, some of which may be inherited from their parent breeds, the Airedale Terrier and the Poodle. While not all of these dogs will have health conditions, they absolutely can. 

One of the most common conditions is hip dysplasia, which can affect larger dog breeds. This occurs when the hip joint doesn’t develop correctly, leading to early arthritis and pain. Luckily, this condition can be prevented through careful breeding. Skin allergies are another common problem. Itching, redness, and discomfort can occur if your dog comes into contact with one of their allergens. Airedoodles may also be prone to ear infections, but cleaning and trimming their ears can prevent these, too.

Bloat is sadly common with older dogs. This deadly condition occurs when the stomach fills with gas and twists. Surgery is required to relieve the pressure. We don’t know exactly what does or doesn’t cause this condition just yet.

Minor Conditions

  • Skin allergies, ear infections, eye problems

Male vs. Female

There are no significant differences between the males and females of this breed. Because individuals vary so widely, there aren’t any sure differences between genders besides those that are related directly to reproduction.


3 Little Known Facts About the Airedoodle

1. They aren’t hypoallergenic.

There is no such thing as a hypoallergenic dog, despite what many breeders advertise. Those with dog allergies are allergic to a dog’s skin and saliva—which every dog has. Science has found no link between how much a dog sheds and their allergen level.

2. Some of them do

While these dogs are often described as non-shedding, this isn’t accurate. In many cases, they will shed, though the exact amount will vary.

3. They aren’t officially recognized.

Because they are a mixed breed, Airedoodles isn’t officially recognized as a dog breed by the AKC or any other major kennel club.


Final Thoughts

Airedoodles can make great family dogs for those with enough time on their hands to care for them properly. While these dogs don’t shed much, they aren’t hypoallergenic, making them a poor choice for those with allergies.

These dogs tend to be pretty healthy, though proper breeding and care are still necessary to avoid some of the preventable health problems they might face. Sadly, breeders rarely produce these dogs, as they just aren’t very popular compared to purebreds.

Featured Image Credit: Left – otsphoto, Shutterstock | Right – chili71, Pixabay

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