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Cane Corso Husky Mix: Guide, Pictures, Care & More

If you’re looking for a devoted, affectionate, and fearless guardian, the Cane Corso and Siberian Husky mix will be a perfect choice. Despite the imposing size, it has energy for days and can easily scare away a potential threat. This dog doesn’t bark that often and, when properly socialized, can be welcoming to strangers. It can be a bit stubborn, but with the right training, it will quickly turn into a new best friend for your family.

Breed Overview


Varies depending on the parents

Suitable for:

Families with adult kids


Intelligent, affectionate, loyal, protective, easy to train, standoffish toward strangers

Siberian Huskies are playful, open to strangers, and eager to please their owners. Cane Corsos are just as loyal, protective, and also quite intelligent. So, with a Cane Corso Husky mix, you’ll get the best of both worlds! These dogs are big, strong, and ready to fly in the face of danger to protect their human owners. Just how friendly are they, exactly? Should you adopt a Cane Corso Husky mix as a family pet? How do you feed, train, and groom it? We have the answers right here!

Cane Corso Husky Mix Characteristics



High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.



Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.



Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.



Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.



Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.


Cane Corso Husky Mix Breed Puppies

The first thing you’ll notice about the Cane Corso Husky mix when checking out the pups at local breeders and adoption centers is how affordable they are. As the name suggests, this isn’t a purebred doggo. On the one hand, that’s bad news, as you won’t be able to compete in any shows with it. However, that also means the dog doesn’t cost a fortune. A dog shelter might hand it over to you for as cheap as $50–$100 or even for free!

The Cane Corso Husky mix isn’t very popular among dog lovers. So, for most rescue organizations, finding a pet parent for it is not an easy task. Breeders don’t have much use for them, either. Do keep in mind, though, that depending on where you live, it might not be easy to come across a Cane Corso Husky mix in the first place. Take your time: monitor local shelters, breeders, and even social media publications. Be patient, and your efforts will be rewarded.

Parent breeds of Cane Corso Husky Mix
The parent breeds of Cane Corso Husky Mix: Left – Cane Corso (CharlitoCZ, Shutterstock) | Right – Siberian Husky (andrescarlofotografia, Pixabay)

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Cane Corso Husky Mix

As far as the smartest dog breeds go, Huskies and Cane Corsos are right on top of the list. Worriers and work dogs at heart, they are quite intelligent and can easily take on tasks like herding, guarding, and watch duty. More than that, both breeds have enough wits to participate in the toughest competitions. And, naturally, their “lovechild”, the Cane Corso Husky mix, has all these traits and then some.

On top of walking, running, and hiking, this dog can play some of the most demanding games and learn the toughest tricks. As for the character, the Siberian Corso is very calm and centered and doesn’t bark or howl without a reason. Affectionate and eager to make friends with new humans and animals, this mighty doggo also has a playful, cheerful side. It’s quick to adapt, too, which means the dog won’t have a hard time finding its place in a new home.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

The short answer is yes, they are. Despite the large size, the Cane Corso Husky mix is a tender, loving, and caring animal. It also has a fragile heart and shouldn’t be offended or be left alone for long hours. This is one of those dogs that put the well-being of its family above its own safety. And, just like the Huskies and Corsos, it’s only truly happy when the bond with the owners is strong. But this mix-breed is not a clingy beast and doesn’t require your attention all the time.

As long as you spend an hour or two playing/hanging out with the dog, it won’t be taken over by separation anxiety, develop bad habits, or lose its temper. One more thing: while large outdoor spaces are preferred, a well-trained and socialized Siberian Corso should be alright in an average-size house or even apartment. This is only true if you walk it for 30–60 minutes and let it breathe fresh air.

What About Little Children?

The Cane Corso Husky mix is an exemplary pet for a family with adult children that know how to behave around dogs. However, if you have little children in the house, this mix-breed won’t be the best choice. True, it has a highly protective nature and will safeguard the little ones from outside threats. In addition, it’s a fairly patient and tolerant breast. Still, you should NEVER leave it alone with kids: supervision is mandatory if you want to avoid accidents.

Some children are a little too playful and energetic and tend to get overly touchy. Pulling its coat, touching its eyes, or trying to ride this dog might provoke it. The Siberian Corso rarely bites (especially someone they know), but even a loud bark or aggressive move will be enough to scare the children. Besides, this is a large animal: it might accidentally hurt a baby. So, you’ll either have to serve as a 24/7 supervisor or wait until your toddlers get older and learn the basics of dog interaction.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

For the most part, yes, it does. By default, the Cane Corso Husky mix (especially its Corso side) isn’t the most approachable dog for fellow four-legged creatures. But, if you socialize it while it’s still a pup, you will be able to turn it into a more open, trusting, and curious pet that will be welcoming to other dogs. What about cats: can you trust a Siberian Corso around your favorite furballs? Again, it all comes down to the dog’s upbringing.

Now, there’s a common misconception that Cane Corsos don’t like felines, but that’s not true. When properly trained, they get along with kitties just fine. Huskies, in contrast, are predators and might be hostile toward cats. With this breed, supervision is critical. Does that mean a Siberian Corso is a danger to cats? For the most part, no, but caution is advised. Try introducing these two pets to each other under strict supervision and see how it goes.

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Things to Know When Owning a Cane Corso Husky Mix:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

It takes one glimpse at this mighty dog to realize that it needs a lot of food to grow. Siberian Huskies aren’t the largest breed out there, but the Italian Mastiffs sure do need their fair share of food. You still need to be conscious about how much food you feed the Siberian Corso, of course. As a bigger-than-average canine, it gains extra weight a little quicker than the smaller pooches. This is especially true for older dogs that don’t move around that much.

So, before you start feeding it, consult with a veterinarian. They’ll help come up with the right diet that will not only keep the dog healthy but also fit. While the general recommendations are roughly the same, the diet will be slightly different depending on the doggo’s age and activity level. And remember: the meals have to be rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins. Also, to avoid bloating, break the daily meals down into 3–4 small portions.

Exercise 🐕

Siberian Corsos are highly active, energetic dogs, thanks to the healthy genes inherited from both parent breeds. They’re quick to catch on, too, and don’t take forever to learn a new trick. At first, it will take time for the dog to warm up to you and become familiar with your commands. But, pretty soon, it will start to feel like the furry bud can “finish your sentences”. A Corso Husky relies heavily on high-level exercises to stay in top form.

Since Huskies and Corsos were bred to serve as working and guardian dogs, they aren’t used to lying on the couch and acting a fool. You won’t have to do anything fancy to keep them entertained, though. Just like any other dog, a Siberian Corso enjoys walks, jogs, runs, Frisbee, tug-of-war, and even swimming. On average, 1–2 hours of exercise is enough for this big dog to sustain its health and muscle tone.

To sum up:

  • The Corso Husky mix needs at least an hour of daily exercise
  • It’s a very smart dog that likes intelligent games as well as running/walking
  • Always include high-intensity exercises in the routine to keep the pet fit
  • Don’t leave the Siberian Corso alone for a long time. Otherwise, anxiety will kick in
  • Talk to a vet to find the perfect diet as these dogs are prone to obesity

Training 🎾

The one thing to keep in mind when training a Cane Corso Husky mix is that both its parent breeds are highly intelligent yet a bit stubborn. This is a trait that many clever canine citizens share, by the way. The smarter the dog, the more headstrong it’s going to be. With that, the Cane Corso Husky mix is quick to follow commands. And the reason for that is simple: it wants to please its owner. However, to achieve the best results, it’s important to start the training as soon as possible.

You need to let the doggo know who’s the master in this relationship. Don’t be too harsh with it, as both Siberian Huskies and Italian Mastiffs are easily offended, especially if you already have a strong bond. But, again, do your best to establish yourself as the “boss”. Be demanding yet patient, and don’t forget to treat your four-legged bud for a job well done. Positive reinforcement plays a key role in creating a healthy relationship with the Siberian Corso.

Here’s a recap:

  • Siberian Corsos catch on fast and are eager to please
  • Depending on the dog’s genes, it might be a bit stubborn
  • As the owner, you need to be persistent and patient
  • Make sure the dog recognizes you as the master/alpha
  • Socialize the pup at a young age to make it friendly toward strangers
  • These dogs are perfect for big families with adult children
  • Little kids will require supervision at all times, though

Grooming ✂️

This dog has a short, double-layered coat that sheds moderately throughout the year and extensively when the season hits. To help the fur stay in shape, we recommend brushing the Siberian Corso daily. Use a combination of hound gloves, medium-bristle brushes, and grooming mitts to keep the hair clean and healthy. Now, Huskies only need to be bathed 2–3 times a year, while Corsos should be showered at least once in two months (or even every other week).

Thus, a Cane Corso Husky mix will be happy if you bathe it once a season (2–3 months). Buy a shampoo that was specifically formulated for large dogs and short double coats to the best effect. As for the nails, trim them regularly to help the dog avoid discomfort while running. This is important: both Huskies and Corsos are prone to ear infections. So, don’t forget to clean their ears weekly. Tooth brushing should be done twice a week.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Thanks to its mighty parent breeds, the Siberian Corso is a very healthy dog. If you follow our recommendations on diet, training, exercises, and grooming, you should be able to keep the pet in tip-top shape. However, as a large doggo, this chap is prone to Gastric dilatation-volvulus, AKA bloat. Other health conditions include joint dysplasia, retinal atrophy, and idiopathic epilepsy. Here’s a closer look at the most common health issues:

Minor Conditions

  • Cataracts
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • Follicular dysplasia
  • Glaucoma

Serious Conditions

  • Gastric dilatation-volvulus (GDV)
  • Joint dysplasia (hip/elbow)
  • Idiopathic epilepsy
  • Demodex mange
  • Eyelid abnormalities
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Uveodermatologic Syndrome


Male vs Female

And now, let’s talk about the differences between boys and girls. Male Cane Corso Husky mixes are taller and weigh more. Plus, they are a bit more aggressive, especially toward other male dogs, and tend to mark their territory. But, strangely enough, male Siberian Corsos are more open to humans and other pets. The females need a little bit more attention and are more protective by nature.

The lifespan is roughly the same, though, and there aren’t any striking visual differences. The males and females need daily exercises, a capable trainer, and a home that makes them feel loved and cherished. As they grow up, both sexes become wiser, stronger, and more conscious about their surroundings. Adult Coros Husky mixes are amazing family dogs.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Cane Corso Husky Mix

1. No Kennel Club Recognizes It as a Breed

As the name suggests, the Cane Corso Husky mix is a mongrel, not a purebred. So, it can’t compete in any official dog shows like Crufts or the Westminster Kennel Club show. It’s not categorized as a “standalone” breed by any of the reputable kennel clubs. We’re talking about the AKC, British KC, and the UKC (United Kennel Club). Therefore, if it’s important for you to get a doggo that will be allowed to compete in international shows, you might want to pick a different pet.

2. Its Parent Breeds Come from Italy and Russia

The Ancient Greeks were famous for breeding giant war dogs called Molossi. When the Romans fought the Greeks, they were fascinated by these canines and brought them back to Italy to breed with local dogs. Modern-day Cane Corsos are their successors. For that reason, they’re often called the Italian Mastiffs. And what about the Huskies? Well, as you’ve probably already guessed, they’re hailing from Russia.

More specifically, these loyal buds are from Siberia. Chukchi, the indigenous people of the Chukchi Peninsula, bred them to serve as companions and sled dogs. That’s why Huskies are so strong, durable, and ready to take on heavy work. A quick note: back in 1925, Siberian Huskies helped Leonhard Seppala, a famed musher, deliver a vaccine to Alaska to fight a diphtheria epidemic. They were on the road for almost six days!

3. These Dogs Rarely Drool

It’s no secret that many large dogs tend to drool a lot. Well, that’s not the case with the Siberian Corso. While it’s not 100% drool-free, you won’t have to change the blankets, bed linens, or clothes very often. Cane Corsos have a standard drooling level for a dog this big, but Huskies rarely salivate enough to ruin precious furniture. So, with the Cane Corso Husky mix, you should expect below-average drooling.


Final Thoughts

There’s very little not to like about the Cane Corso Husky mix. Most dog parents are looking for a playful, charming, and loyal dog to join their families, and that’s exactly what you’ll get with this champ. It’s a large, mighty dog, a devoted protector for a loving family. While it does have a stubborn side, in general, the Siberian Corso is an obedient, easy-going beast that will faithfully follow your commands.

You will have to exercise with it daily, though (for at least an hour or two), and teach the dog how to behave at a very young age. And no matter how much effort you put into the training, it’s still not recommended to have this doggo around little children. Seniors also might have a hard time trying to keep up with this overzealous beast. At the same time, if you’re in the market for an athletic, graceful, and loyal new member of the family, the Cane Corso Husky mix will be a perfect pick!

Featured Image Credit: Left – Cane Corso (Didkovska Ilona, Shutterstock) | Right – Siberian Husky (SonjaLindberg, Pixabay)

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